Chapter 15 Passion and desire
She liked squeezing around the thick girth. She liked how her most responsive areas were stroked by the head. She liked how as more and more thrusts were given, more and more of her juices came, lubricating the movements, helping the man move even faster. That only made it better.
Slick. Hot. Putting her in an odd stupor. Time was insignificant. If it was bright enough to see, any details would be insignificant too.
She didn't know she'd said this until a moment after it left her lips. "Ah! Please!"
He made a sound that was one part laughter and two parts a snort. He didn't slow down, though. In fact, a few times he even gave what might've been the beginnings of a roar, as if he wanted to restrain his voice.
At the point where they joined, Liliana felt the building, the gathering. It was a more intense version of what she'd felt before, during those hushed little "discussions."
Her breasts were even bouncing. It was so wild!
Then she spasmed so quickly, so nearly painfully, that she almost couldn't breathe. Her muscles nearly cramped.
She could only scream.
A burning pleasure. It wouldn't end. Wasn't it supposed to?!
She thought she heard something. Was that Lorryll? He was shouting. Yes! Yes! Was that it?
It wouldn't end.
More and more. Pressing and sucking on that erection. Every inch inside felt as if it needed that heavy pounding.
This was the end for her, right? Her muscles soon stopped tensing. The pleasure faded into something dull. Her heart was still excited but not as frantic. The end for him should come soon, right? She knew where children came from.
He muted something. "Good. Very good." Liliana could hear it this time. She was making tiny noises in her throat instead of screaming.
Then a rush.
Not her. Not quite. It was a rush of more movement. He wasn't slowing down. He had one of her legs in the air. Liliana coughed and tried to anticipate the second end. The part where the husband was meant to supply his seed. Oh hurry! Please hurry! Once it's over with, it would be one less thing to fuss over!
He was calling her a darling, a delight, a pretty little fairy. Silly things. And he was going. And going. More.
The dullness was replaced. More throbbing, consuming pleasure. Liliana felt her own eyes rolling back. Her breath was sharp again. Her belly ached, but she didn't mind.
A new beginning?
Is that what was happening?
A few more nonsense noises were brought out from her. Then she was screaming again.
It was so much! Too much!
She held onto him.
When ... when will ...?
It took what seemed to be an eternity. During that period, Liliana's body had to endure so many more ends.
He was a human, or Liliana assumed so. He did have his end eventually, but at that time, when he finally had irregularity in his thrusts and when he cursed and put one final and searing movement inside, Liliana couldn't scream anymore. Her voice was gone. All she could do was wheeze with little life.
Over. It was over. He pulled away from her with a very satisfied little grunt. It was an empty moment. Something was trickling out of Liliana and rolling down her thighs. It was a good sign, but she was too exhausted to acknowledge it.
Maybe two minutes went on, and Lorryll put another bounce in the mattress as he moved up and crawled on out of the bed. Liliana saw a spot of light when the curtains parted. Then she heard bare feet lightly slapping the platform's steps.
Maybe four more minutes later, and there was another spot of light and more bouncing. His voice was hoarse, but there was good humour in it.
"You should be wiped clean."
She didn't respond. She likely couldn't.
After a little exhale, Lorryll said, "I'll help you."
More light, although it was still weak. He was likely trying to use what he could. He'd tied a curtain back. Then he moved in close, touching her. There was a wet cloth. Liliana felt it. He was cleaning away all the excess sweat, mucus, and semen.
"You must be thirsty," he said.
Yes. She was. She even coughed up into the air.
He took her wrist and tugged on her. "Come on."
She tried to get into a crawling position. She collapsed. Her face landed right on the mattress.
She heard him softly laughing again. "You'll sit on one of the steps. I'll bring the water to you."
Overall, it was still quite the feat for her. Her legs didn't function properly. He had to adjust her legs for her. When he was certain that she was safely seated on one of the steps, her legs on the rest, he left her alone for a moment. The room was still dark, but the candles were pretty. Liliana was able to vaguely think of unimportant things.
Lorryll returned with a cup of water. He even helped her hold it to take a sip. He looked fine, nude, really. Muscles and scars. He didn't even have a pouch-like belly that often came from excess. There was a belly, though. Everyone had a belly. How else could the organs be safely held? Regardless, he had the pleasing muscles that many women would've admired. He had the height that some men would envy. He had the clever grin that all would be intrigued by. He even had the happy eyes that even dogs would love to be under.
And Liliana simply...
Concentrated on drinking water.
Sleeping beside the man was much less taxing on the brain and body. He was actually fairly distant. He gave her enough room to toss around and even fluff her pillows when needed.
She thought he might've even kept his back to her for most of the night. He was also quiet. She'd expected random throat clearing or snoring. It was obvious that he was there. His warmth was right there. His breathing, as relaxed as it was, was clear. Still, Liliana had no difficulty with him with him. He didn't have any greed with the blanket. He didn't even press onto her hair.
It was a fine respite. Since it was done right after that great exercise, Liliana didn't have any problems drifting away to sleep.
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