My Vampire Little Sister

Chapter 203 Epilogue

In a dimension suspended in Space and Time, there stood a single Citadel.

The Citadel was placed upon a floating island that didn't move according to the gravitational pull of planets or stars. It was suspended in place like a static photograph, never once impaired by the numerous gravitational bodies around it.

And there were several.

Black holes larger than any stars in the night sky could be seen orbiting the palatial Citadel. Galaxies that contained billions of stars and an unfathomable number of planets were orbiting the massive palace.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that the Citadel was at the heart, the centre of the Universe.

The interior of the Citadel was just as impressive as its exterior. It looked like it only had enough space to house a thousand people from the outside. However, one would quickly dispel that illusion the moment they stepped foot into the ornate castle. Massive halls that seemingly never ended and ceilings that no one could see the roof off welcomed any guests who came in. Thousands, if not millions, of pillars, each with their own unique design, held the Citadel together while billions of trophies from every culture known in the Universe were gathered in one place.

Rare metals from extinct planets… Bronze weapons from an ancient age… Unique flowers that only bloomed under extreme conditions… Fishes that swam in pits of fire…

The list was endless.

The Citadel wasn't just a palace for a King to live in; it was a living museum to record the accomplishments of those who built it. In it was the recorded history of everything in existence. Wars fought between Gods and Goddesses. Planets and entire galaxies destroyed. Nebulas birthing new stars while supernovas ended them…

Everything in the Universe was recorded in this Citadel. And the person responsible for it all…

At the heart of the Citadel, there stood a singular throne. Made with the rarest materials in the Universe, the throne was fit for the undisputed sovereign of the entire Universe. Streams of galactical energy were concentrated into this one throne hall giving the person within the power to travel anywhere in the Universe in a blink of an eye.

In this isolated Citadel outside of Space and Time, the man who sat on the throne was capable of controlling everything. From the bustling hubs to the most remote places in the Universe. Viewing alternate timelines and observing changes in every corner of Spacetime.

It was truly an omnipotent and surreal ability.

And the only one capable of using that ability… was soundly asleep on the throne.

Cloaked in a crimson-golden robe, the man was the living embodiment of a regal God. Even in his deep slumber, no one dared to assassinate him. Just by approaching his body, those who didn't have the power to destroy planets would instantly be eviscerated by his aura. The power of Law was wrapped around his unconscious self, and no one dared to awake his slumber.

The servants who were hand-selected to protect and serve him all knelt down with their faces ashen, patiently waiting for their sovereign to awaken on his own accord.

And he had to wake up… Otherwise, something terrible was about to happen.

"L-Lord Jin! Y-you're finally awake."

Fortunately, it wasn't long until the godly man's eyelids flickered. He looked around and saw the numerous advisors and servants staring him down with trepidation and relief, but the man didn't remember why he was in this position. Twitching his brows, Hegemon Jin rubbed the temples of his forehead and yawned:

"I fell asleep?"

"Yes, Lord Jin. We were in the midst of our briefing session when you fainted for fifteen minutes!"

At his question, a firm yet sonorous voice sounded from the side. Jin turned his head around, only to see a white-robed lady with a blindfold around her eyes looking at him with caution and worry. Jin had seen this woman billions, nay, trillions of times in the past and had long gotten accustomed to her presence near his throne. However, at that very moment, Jin flinched in disgust and spat:

"Uriel… You were here?"

"??? What do you mean? I've been faithfully serving at Lord Jin's side since you conquered the Demon Realm."

"Ah, yes… Of course, you did."

Jin rotated his neck and gently stretched out his stiff body. Shaking his head, the Hegemon started to reflect back on what he'd just gone through. Returning back to the past to complete the loop… Being summoned by his past self to deal with Thanatos and deliver the final message to allow past Jin to discover his true Vampire Aspect and awaken the journey of the Hegemon.

He'd always known that it was going to happen. But he just didn't know exactly where or when.@@novelbin@@

"Lord Jin, if I may be so bold to ask… What happened to you? You never had a health issue in your two million-year reign as the God of our Universe. Did something go wrong?"

"Me? Haha, nothing happened. I'd just returned to the past."

"... I beg your pardon?"

"I returned to the past, Uriel." Jin laughed out loud and stared the former Goddess of Destiny in the face. "Come to think of it; you really caused a lot of issues for me in the past."

"!!! I did it under your direction! You wrote the timeline so that I would behave that way!"

"I know, I know… I didn't punish you then and don't intend to do so now. I was just reminiscing about the past."

Jin waved off the frantic Uriel and laughed it off. It had been over two million years since he conquered the Demon Realm and expanded his Empire all over the Universe. Now, there was only one true master of the Universe. But even though he'd practically had the power to destroy entire galaxies, Jin remained out of politics and the affairs of his Empire for the most part.

Jin never wished to be a tyrannical ruler, allowing every planet he 'conquered' to remain autonomous and rule themselves. Whether they wanted to form democratic republics or one-person monarchies, Jin didn't care. As long as they flew under his banner and kept the peace of the Universe, Jin wouldn't interfere with their affairs.

Most of his time was spent furthering his research and expanding his sphere of influence. And, of course…

"How are my children faring?"

"Hmmm? Why are you concerned about them now when you've never asked about their well-being?"

"Well… After I fathered a thousand of them… I couldn't be bothered to keep track of them."

"So you want to play the good father now?"

"No, just leave it…"

Jin was a victim of his own success. With peace over the entire Universe and four loving wives who would do anything with him in the bedroom, he'd father thousands of children over the two million years. His children went on to have grandchildren, and their children had grandchildren too. In the end, he was the head of a household with multiple generations, and since they were all Vampires with ever-lasting lives, it was near impossible for Jin to keep track of them all. Therefore, he'd sequestered himself in the Citadel outside of Time and Space, giving the keys of the Empire to his descendants and their descendants.

But even though he was isolated, Jin did hear news of his children's misdeeds from time to time.

On occasion, there were civil wars where Valter children fought other Valter children. Their small spat would turn into a multi-galactic war, where allegiances were created and destroyed through an intricate net of betrayal, trust and war. It had become so complicated that Jin didn't even bother to remember the names of his children anymore, as they would constantly fight over one small part of the Universe, which was trivial in the Hegemon's eyes.

"But do you have the luxury to worry about your children now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since you'd fainted mysteriously, we didn't know what to do, therefore…"

"Shit… You called them?"



Jin felt a massive throbbing headache off the horizon once again. He was even tempted to go back into a slumber forcibly to avoid the hurricanes that were approaching. But alas, he was far too late.

Four portals broke the dimensional barrier surrounding the Citadel and tore straight into the throne room. No galactic leader, merchant executive or even Jin's own flesh and blood would dare break into the throne hall of the Hegemon in such a blatant manner. Of course, all but four…

"B-Brother! We heard that you fainted!"

"Jin! What happened to you?!"

"A-Are you feeling okay?!"


Four of the Universe's most beautiful women broke through Spacetime and found their way onto Jin's lap. They carefully examined the Hegemon's body, unperturbed by the oppressive aura that would have flattened anyone who had gotten too close. Watching the four women, Jin was reminded of how they looked two million years ago.

All four of them were young beauties and were already more gorgeous than anything he'd ever seen then. But with two million years behind them, they possessed a certain charm and maturity which captivated his eyes and brought him under an unbreakable spell.

Even after two million years, Jin still loved his wives dearly… It was just…

"Don't worry; I'm feeling completely fine! I'd just returned back to the past, that's all!"

At his sudden revelation, the four women froze. No, it was more accurate to say that the entire Citadel froze. Even as a floating island at the centre of the Universe suspended in Time and Space, the entire dimension froze even further with Jin's words.

And the words out of Irina's mouth broke the silence.

"So… You were brought back to the past to see our younger selves? I see… So that's why you stayed there for so long; you wanted to cheat on us with younger girls, didn't you?"

"Emmm, Irina? You do know that the girls you're talking about are your past selves, right?"

"No… Irina has a point. If I remember correctly, you tried to seduce us on our wedding night. Aren't you a bold one? Trying to cheat on your wives when we bore thousands of your children?"


"Jin… I can't condone cheating."

"Cheating is bad…"

"Ysabelle… Rosa… You too?"

The four wives of the Hegemon bared their fangs out as the temperature dropped precipitously. Knowing their place, the advisors and servants willingly stepped out of the throne hall and were ready to abandon their liege at a moment's notice. Even Uriel, Jin's most trusted advisor after his wives, ran away with her tail between her legs. If not for Jin's sudden order, the former Goddess of Destiny would have disappeared through the dimensions by now.

"H-Hold on! Now's not the time! With the timeline closed, we can move on to the final plan!"

"The final plan?"

All four of his wives cocked their heads to a side as question marks appeared all over their foreheads.

"Yes… Our preparations were completed centuries back… However, because I didn't know when I was going to be summoned to the past, I couldn't initiate the plan. But now that my past and present have been secured, we can now look forward to the future."

Jin smiled and raised his palm out. A halo of pure golden energy rose from his soul and levitated up a few centimetres. It contained the Aspect of Control, the power of his Law… Everything in the Universe was subservient to the energy in his hands, and it was the sole reason why the entire Universe served the Valter House. But in a twist of events, Jin crushed his palm and the halo with it.

"B-Brother! What are you doing?!"

"Don't worry, Irina… We won't be needing this anymore."


"Lilith… Do you remember the oath I made to you? The oath where we will be together even if the Universe dies?"


"I'm going to fulfil that promise now."

For the first time in thousands of years, the Citadel suspended in Time and Space, showed signs of movement. The black holes, galaxies and innumerable nebula surrounding the Citadel were meshed together by dimensional magic as new energy emerged from the void.

"I'm not going to wait until the last star dies out or if the Universe kills itself in the Big Rip… I will live happily ever after with all of you, and to do that…"

Jin's power reached a new threshold for the first time in thousands of years. Ascending to his most complete and final form, Jin threw away his Hegemonic power over the current Universe in favour of a new one…

"I'll create a new Universe for us to live in."

~~~ End ~~~

Hello! Thank you so much for picking up "My Vampire Little Sister!" and reading it to its conclusion! I'm eternally grateful to all of you who started this journey with me and keeping up with the antics of Jin and his four wives!

Unfortunately, I will take a break from writing for the foreseeable future to focus on my new commitments, mainly my new job. But I will be back with a new story soon! Writing is like an addiction for me, and I don't think I can ever stop. Once the hectic part of my life is over, I'll be back with a new and improved story, which I already have the overall plot in the back of my head. All it needs is a little storyboarding and proper planning, and I'll release it here for all of you to read.

Once again, I want to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this journey! I can't name everyone, but I hope you guys know that your support is what kept me going throughout and committed to finishing the story!

So… Thank you, everyone!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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