My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!

17-Episode 15: A Girl Being Chased And A Heavy Tour

The girl was desperate to get away. She didn't expect to find a monster like that outside the walls.

In the past, the walls were built to keep out the invasion of the outside world, and for a long time they were declared inviolable. The girl's investigation team was organized to break that rule and investigate the outside of the wall. The fact that the girl was brought in is a kind of half-heartedness. She had no ability and she knew that she would be a drag on the excellent soldiers. Nevertheless, she still asked for military honors.

The survey team was organized around some of the best knights and mages in the country. With this much strength, there was no need to worry about the girl dragging her feet. There was relief and disappointment at the same time.

Then, in the midst of the investigation, they met a demon with bright red wings.

No one in the investigation team, including the girl, had ever witnessed a monster like that.

The demon slaughtered the girls' guards one after another with the agility of a gale and fearsome physical strength. The survey team was half destroyed. The remaining members of the team were also used as decoys to let the girls escape. The girl escaped. She threw away all her pride and duties and ran incessantly through the reddish-brown wilderness.

The demons were no longer in pursuit. But a shadow of despair had fallen on the girl's heart.

Where am I?

A wilderness as far as the eye could see. Right or left, east or west, north or south, nothing is known. The only thing she knew was that if she continued east, she would find her home, but the girl didn't even have any food on hand. All she had in her hand was a single spear (spear). Enduring fatigue and hunger, and losing her sense of direction in the blazing sun, the girl uses the spear as a walking stick to move eastward.

But soon, she reaches her limit. The girl fell into the wilderness.

Oh, I'm going to die here. The girl thinks.

Father, mother, master, and Kyousuke. I'm sorry. Please scold Serena for being so careless and incompetent at the grave.

That's all I can barely think of in my fuzzy consciousness.

And then some more, after some time has passed.


The girl heard such a voice in her ears. Her eyelids were heavy and did not open. Even so, against the glaring sun, I could only make out some silhouette.

'Gen-chan, hey boy!

M....a dead end?

A girl. Is it a human? You found the first villager.


There were two voices that I could hear. The only sound that entered my ears was the sound, but my brain couldn't work enough to understand it.

"You're the first person I've ever met. I'd like to hear what happened, but unfortunately now is not the time to rush...

Yes. We'll have to go after that redneck.

Red, feathers. Red, feathers. The girl's fingers twitched when she heard those words.

'Oh, she's alive. But he's quite weak. What do you want to do?

It's no use. I can't take you with me to go after that guy now. Zekou!

A low, beastly roar could be heard in response to the wild man's voice.

'I want you to deliver this girl to our people, all the way to the west. You remember her, don't you? That rocky place where you met, that's where you met me, further west. There's another crag and a labyrinth behind it, where we all live.

West! No way, I'll be away from home. The girl wanted to raise her body and protest, but she didn't move at all.

The shadow called Zeku responded with a beastly snarl and apparently picked up the girl's body. Along with a strange floating sensation, she was placed on a craggy place. Is this Zeku's back?

Apparently, to be saved, it is to be saved. But it seems impossible to maintain consciousness any longer.

The girl felt a soft warmth envelop her entire body. This was restorative magic. Thank goodness. I can't cheat until I'm hungry, but if I get a good night's sleep, I'm sure I'll recover quite well.

'Zekou, I'm telling you, never eat or anything.

Just before the girl's consciousness was cut off, she thought she heard some kind of ominous words.

'Ota so look for me, Aenya Kohler.

The first thing Kyousuke thought when he heard the song was that Rin was tone-deaf.

'Moo one extra thing, aenya caller.

Megumi Kenzaki (Dullahan) and others picked up stones lying around and stuck them in their own ears on the table. Their disheveled faces were pale. Rin was on the track team and Kenzaki was on the kendo team, but I heard that they were close as aces on the same athletic team. If that's the case, I wonder if they even went to karaoke together a few times. Pity.

Rin seems to have no idea that she is tone-deaf. She seems to be singing with great pleasure. How do you know that? One part of her body is shaped like a speaker or a musical note. Compared to the precision of the transformation, her singing voice was terribly harsh.

Now, on this day, Kyousuke and the others were to conduct the long-awaited search for the heavy cruiser.

The search members were Kyousuke, Rin, Ei, Kenzaki, Gokugawara, and Okumura. "This is a search project led by "Demon King Committee Chairman" Ryuzaki, and it's the first time they're going outside the labyrinth. There was a suggestion to include Koganei, who was familiar with the structure of heavy cruisers, but Koganei himself and Ei were adamantly opposed to the idea.

Negotiations with the goblins had recently been successfully negotiated by Gokugawara. He managed to make peace with them by politely apologizing for clashing with Kyousuke and the others and bringing them smoked crocodile meat as a gift from us.

And now Kyousuke and the others are in the captain's office.

'Aenya Kohler for Ka-san,'

Rin is happily singing and examining every inch of the captain's quarters. The corpse of the acting captain's captain, in the center of the room, crumbles to the ground, unable to withstand the singing with so much destructive power. What a cruel story. A bit too much of a thing for a requiem.

'For the sake of Tou-san........oh, what's wrong with the two of you? Your hand is stuck, okay?

No, I thought you sang a unique song...

Kyousuke wasn't sure whether to tell the truth or not, but he said just that anyway and scratched his head.

''Nah, I was just trying to get in the mood...''

Does Himemizu like to sing?

'Yes! Tsurugin praised me, saying, 'Your singing is amazing!

Kenzaki grabbed his head on the desk and swung it to the side. I guess that was meant to be a roundabout way of pointing out the problem, but it made her feel even better. As if she didn't want to hear the song anymore, she ended up opening the battered drawer of her office desk and putting her head away.

Rin turned over the bookshelf again, singing the mysterious "Enyakora Ondo".

This heavy cruiser is an important clue to this world. How did they shift from one place to another, how did they interact with this world, and how did they meet their deaths? To find out, Ryuzaki sent Kyousuke and the others here.

''But what is it?''

Kenzaki said in a muffled voice as he rustled and scratched around the room. His voice was muffled, probably because he kept his face in a drawer. Still, somehow my vision seemed to work, and there was no stagnation in my movements as I searched for things.

'When you're in contact with a product of the original world like this you're wondering why you came to this world.

That's true. I wonder if it was a sudden accident.

If it's not an accident, what is it?

Rin and Kyousuke were also talking, still looking for any possible clues. Rin stopped moving with a snap and pondered, 'Hmmm.

'I don't know! And if it wasn't an accident, it means someone set it up!

Did you set it up? Who would want to send us into this world?

I don't know.

Yes, I have no idea. That's why we are exploring like this.

But even though it is the captain's quarters, there is nothing that could be a clue at all. I think it would be nice to have at least the ship's logbook, though.

As I was continuing my fruitless rustling, Ei wandered over to the entrance of the captain's quarters.

''Kenzaki, Okumura is breaking down the door that is rusty and won't open. Can you help me explore inside for a moment?

Okay, okay.

As soon as he says it, Kenzaki follows Ei out of the captain's office. After seeing it off firmly, Kyousuke and the others return to the rustic.

Kyousuke is checking the books on the bookshelf one by one, but suddenly Rin's hand (?) stopped.

'What's up? The "Princess Water


A suspicious laugh escapes.

''Well what's the matter? The "Princess Water

Utsurogi-kun... I've been training myself.

Training? The "what

Kyousuke asks, not resting his hand on the task. Is that important enough to say here?

'You can't beat Hino-kun for his regular wifehood, you can't beat Sacchan for his s*x appeal, and you can't beat Okumura-kun for his characterization...'

No, I think Himemizu has a pretty strong character too.

They called me the "Triangle Corner". The figure in hand to bury the advantage...!

What are you talking about ... wow!

Kyousuke screamed as he turned his attention to Rin, who was getting strangely excited.

Rin made a hand first. Reaching out her hand as if she were crawling out of a fountain, she draped it over the floor, slowly changing her entire body's shape as she went. It was like pulling the upper half of a human's body out of the body of Himemizu Rin (slime). Of course, her entire body was light blue and semi-liquid, but the upper body of the woman who came out was strangely glamorous.

The upper half of her body huffed and sniffed, then turned away from her chest and said

'Well! Hey, what do you think, moron? Hey, hey!

Isn't the triangular corner more of a character than a weird human shape?

"Holy shit!  Look at them, and look at the size of my tits! How much do you like Mr. Utsurugi! We'll set you up with the best breasts to suit you

There was a cracking sound, and soon after, Rin shattered. The upper half of the woman's body, whose breasts had been inflated like a balloon, scattered without a trace, and then gathered back together to crawl back into the shape of slime again on the sly.

A slightly awkward air flowed.

''Well I like the little ones too.

'That's no consolation now! Ugh, I knew 90 seconds was the limit!

"Even a demon horseman can last another nine seconds...

I guess I'll just have to live like this...

Rin moves to the corner of the room and transforms into a triangle corner. This was also supposed to be a very painful posture, but it seems to last more than 90 seconds because it is in contact with the wall. The smell of a triangle corner is becoming more and more apparent.

What is the smell of triangular corner? It looks so fishy!

'You're finally reading my thoughts without contacting me!

Oh, gosh! You guys!

Shortly after, a muffled cough was heard, and Kyousuke and Rin straightened up on pins and needles. Rin didn't have a backbone, but she stretched vertically in a straight line anyway.

That's right, there was still Kenzaki in this room. To be precise, Kenzaki's head was there. Although it was tucked away in a drawer.

''Good nerve to make out in front of me, a member of the Public Safety Committee!

I'm not flirting!

I didn't do it before!

Don't talk back to me!

The publican is as angry as a fierce fire in a drawer.

'And oh, oh, tits! Best breasts! When did you become such an insolent girl, Rin!

'I've always been an insolent girl who would rub and pluck Crane's tits in envy during gym time!

What extra information. It makes my prostate hot. Fortunately, I don't have such a thing about my body right now.

Anyway, I have to placate Kenzaki. Kyousuke approached the office desk and opened the bottom drawer. Inside is Kenzaki's face, which has turned bright red. Lightly horrified.

''Totally, Utsurogi! You too! I thought he was a serious, bone-headed man...

It's all bones now, though.

Kyousuke picks up Kenzaki's face from the drawer, but then he suddenly realizes that there's another one in the drawer, something else.

It appears to be a book, of some sort. Kyousuke tosses Kenzaki's head towards Rin and picks up the book from the drawer (he hears a scream). On the cover was written.

Magazine Sun Sea Navigation.

No, no.

Nautical Journal.

'There it is!'


Rin throws Kenzaki's head off (I heard him scream) and crawls over to Kyousuke.

'Whoa, it's true! This is the voyage log!

Do you guys have anything else to say?

The body of the former Japanese navy captain who had been turned into sand became a cushion, and Kenzaki, who had escaped injury, ranted.

'I'm sorry, Kenzaki,'


And here. You weren't the first one to look for it?

What did you say?

After all, the drawer in the office desk is the most suspicious part. Kenzaki must have been the first to carefully check it when he entered the room. Kenzaki used his facial muscles and neck muscles to do his best to change the stance of his face and stared intently at the office desk.

''..........................I may have looked for it for sure.


'But I had my head on the desk at the time, so I didn't get to look inside when I thought about it.

'I knew your vision wouldn't work without your face!

'What were you doing just now, Tsurugin?

What did the body do with Ei in the first place?

The sound of flapping footsteps could be heard and Kenzaki's body returned to the captain's office. Kenzaki's body got down on its hands and knees and did its best to get down on its knees to Kyousuke and the others.

''Hmph! I don't want to be pointed out to you guys who have been playing around with impure heteros*xuality!

'Kenzaki, your face and body don't match what you're doing.

I guess that's what they say about being tough talkin' but honest with your body...

Kyousuke and Rin muttered in a lukewarm voice as they looked at the stylish female knight body.

Now, all that rambling aside, they've found the item they wanted for now. Returning the not-so-subtle neck to the bare body, Kyousuke and the others leave the captain's office. Just as they were about to report to Ei and the others, they heard a voice from the deck.

'Oi, come on guys!

It's the voice of the quintuple. Ei and Okumura come out of the room behind them as well. They all looked at each other and nodded and moved to the deck.

This is the bow of the ship that Kyousuke and Rin had smashed with a bang in the previous battle. Despite the disastrousness, the individual who seemed to be the leader of the goblins, and Goshukawara were there.

''What's the matter, Goshukawara?''

"Yeah, I'm talking to their boss right now. The machine gun on this deck? A cannon, I guess. I was allowed to take that one.

Hearing those words, Ei muttered, 'I see.

Indeed, such a rusty machine gun, it would have no use other than for interior decoration. If you don't have ammunition, you can't even move it. But it's not just for the goblins, it's the same for Kyousuke and others. What on earth do you plan to do with these things back?

"I'll have Kurumori fix it.

"Kuremori-kun? I was in the same model club as Gotohgawara-kun. What was it you were reincarnated into?

"Gremlin," "Fatty,

Rin made a question mark with her whole body, and Okumura replied.

'A fat monster, passed down among British airmen. They tinker with machines and make them go crazy. Well, we've turned poor maintenance into the work of a youkai, Debbie.


Rin nodded her head in agreement.

'That's where Comrade Stalin's grave is, isn't it?

It's the Kremlin.

Comrade Slarin's occasional mysterious intelligence shone through again.

'You're not supposed to feed him in the middle of the night, are you?

"Oh, you're a fat guy who knows his stuff.

I like old foreign movies a lot. Gremlin" by Warner Brothers. It's a masterpiece.

Immediately after his reincarnation, Kurumori was thought to be a goblin, just like Gofukubugawara. However, since he was even less powerful than Gofukawara, and he himself was a typical indoor type, he didn't have much of a chance to fight. Instead, he was even more dexterous than Gofukawara, and maintained his base of operations, which had been in a state of disrepair, one after another. Whether it was Sugimori's (Scylla) kitchen or Hanazono's (Alraune) vegetable garden, it was Kurumori who revived the dead water system.

As a result, he is now recognized as a gremlin rather than a goblin. Incidentally, some students are not allowed to eat at midnight, probably because of the fact that some of them took the example movie to heart. Also, they wouldn't even let me bathe in water, he was rather unfortunate.

Anyway, that Kurumori might be able to fix this machine gun.

'Actually, me and Okumura were thinking the same thing.

When Ei said that, Okumura took out a rusty iron rod. 'This is a rifle.

''I'll have Kurumori fix this one too, fatty.

'There was an ammunition dump in the room we couldn't get into because of rust. That area might be ruined too, but it's worth a try.

It may indeed be a good idea to expand the force.

Guns and cannons are powerful weapons, regardless of the specs of the person using them. Of course, if the user is poor at using them, they can't even hit them, but they can fill in the gaps in physical and magical abilities that have opened up due to the reincarnation of an outsider. Even Kuremori and Hanazono could participate in the battle.

Goshigawara had begun to negotiate with the goblin boss as it was. This area would also be like junk from their point of view. The goblin boss readily agreed on the condition that the crocodile meat be smoked.

''There was this stuff too, Debbie!

Saying that, Okumura now takes out what looks like a small tube. Kenzaki asked.

'Is it a telescope?'

"You heard me, Fatty! The wilderness is a big fat place, you know, from a big fat guy. This way.....

Okumura put his eyes on the telescope and turned his gaze to the horizon. There seemed to be a crack in the lens, but apparently it could still be used. But right after, he said, ''Hmm? He tilted his head.


'What? Really?

Kyousuke couldn't help but ask back.

'Oh, no, no, different fatty. The physiognomy is different from that of Goubayashi. It's a different individual, Ouga fatty........ The fatty that looks like he's carrying a girl on his back.

Yeah, right.

With a slight disappointment, however, Kyousuke felt a slight tug at Okumura's words.

Immediately after, he huffed. It wasn't just Kyousuke. Rin and Kenzaki also seemed to have guessed it right away.

'A girl! You're human!

"By the looks of it, he doesn't have horns, wings, or a tail, and his ears and legs are normal-looking and fat. And besides....


You look like you're up to something, Debbie.

Kyousuke and the others looked at each other. Ouga, carrying a human girl on his back, running away from something?

"Sandworm a fat one. Pretty big, worm-like monster fat.

Okay. Let's go get help.

Kyousuke said, and soon Kenzaki nodded. Ei flies in with his usual reprimand.

'Kyousuke, you again!'

'I know what you mean, but it's also a clue to this world!

As it was, Kyousuke put his feet on the edge of the deck and stared out of Okumura's line of sight. Indeed, it looked like some large monster was moving. If this was the case, the damage would be done to the heavy cruiser or the base. Ei would be able to see that, as expected.

Huh, Ei sighs.

''I'm just saying! You'll be reckless in a heartbeat without me!

'I'll be reckless even if you're here. Let's go, Himemizu, combine!

I've been waiting for you. Combine! TOO!

Rin's body clings to Kyousuke's, completing the combination. Jumping off the edge of the deck, Rin rearranged his legs into an inverted articulation, increasing the flesh of his legs and changing them into a shock-absorbing structure. As soon as he succeeds in landing, he instantly shifts the flesh again, transforming into a sprinter mode that specializes in the instantaneous power of the legs.

Kenzaki also jumped down to follow Kyousuke and started running through the wilderness as they lined up. Ei is following straight behind him.

''Huh. I want to be as gung-ho as Hino-kun...''

'I don't like that. Keep Himemizu the way he is.

'Oh, really? Then let's just keep working like we are!

To avoid hearing their conversation, Kenzaki tightly covered his ears in his arms.

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