Chapter 7: What are you guys doing here!?
Chapter 7: What are you guys doing here!?
"Yo! Jin's back home just when we were about to leave"
Ashton, standing beside Dobby, peeked his head out of the door, looking at Jin.
"Ashton? Dobby? What are you guys doing here?"
Dobby pressed his lips tightly together in a line, narrowing at Jin. "So it isn't okay for good friends to meet up with each other every so often?"
Jin started pushing the wheelchair forward, causing the two boys to quickly move aside, making way for him to pass through the door.
"That's not what I'm saying, Dobby," he justified, using his hands to push the wheelchair towards a cocoa-brown couch.
Jin stood up from the wheelchair, and sat on the couch instead. He sat peering up at Dobby and Ashton, who were now both looking at him.
"So you want us to leave or.what?" Asked Dobby, folding his arms.
"No-no-no, I didn't say that. But isn't it the first day of our Summer Vacation though?"
"Yea, it is.Why'd you ask?" replied Ashton, adjusting his glasses.
Jin tensed his shoulders. Then, his chest rose and fell, as he let out a long, stretched breath. He leaned back against the chair, and drawled, "Forget it. Never mind."
Dobby drew closer, "No, don't 'never mind' us. Tell us why you asked."
Jin narrowed his eyes at Dobby.
Deliberately, Dobby ambled up to him, and sat right beside him on the same chair, looking at him from a side view. He crossed his legs, and placed both his hands on his knees, still peering at Jin.
Irked by Dobby's attentive gawking, Jin scowled and fumed, "What? Why are you being like this?"
Dobby's blood boiled with rage, he furrowed his brows, and gritted his teeth, "What do you mean 'being like this'? Ask yourself that! Why are YOU being like this, Jin?"
Jin looked away, relaxing his shoulders. He hung his head, stroking a hand on his forehead, "I'm sorry, Dobby. I justhad a long day," he gazed at him, "Can we start over?"
Jin had a long day. And so, he wasn't in the mood to talk to his friends at all.
Who shows up at their friend's house first thing at the beginning of a Summer vacation?
Dobby's wrinkles started to disappear, and his rapid breathing started to slow. Ecstatically, he gleamed, "Hey, Jin."
He pretended as though he and Jin were never mad at each other a few seconds ago. Now, it was clear to Jin that elves were truly the most forgiving ever race among all others.
Jin, eyes slit; brows raised, shook his head. A corner of his lips quirked up. "Hey, Dobby," he answered softly.
Ashton decided to sit down on the other end of the same couch. He sat down leaning forward, and looking at Jin, with his hands clasped together.
"So what are you guys doing here?"
Dobby scratched his head, "Your birthday, I"
"He thought your birthday was on the second of Julywhich is today!" interjected Ashton.
"Shut your face hole, Ashton!"
snarled Dobby, jerking his head towards Ashton.
Jin then cooed, "My birthday's August the twenty-second."
Quietly, Dobby and Ashton slowly turned their faces to look at each other. Their expressions were becoming dull.
Dobby's lips twitched and he quickly bellowed, "You got it wrong too, Ashton! You rubbed shit in my face all day for nothing, little twerp!"
He tugged on Ashton's shirt, and put up his balled fist.
Nervously, Ashton raised both his arms in front of his body, and flinched a few times, "I thought it was on the twenty-second of July! I'm sorry"
Jin chuckled with laughing eyes, "None of you remember my birthday!?"
"At least we knew it had something to do with two's," Dobby glanced at him, "Do you remember ours?" he asked, as one of his brows did a push-up.
Jin's eyes widened and his lips pushed together.
Ashton pushed his glasses further up his nose bridge as soon as Dobby had let go of him. He ran a hand down his ruppled, red shirt, ridding it of the wrinkles caused by Dobby's tugging.
Looking at Dobby, Jin then asked, "What's up with you and Tristan now?"
Dobby scoffed, "Ohh, you're talking about our fight. We're good now. We played GRIM all night yesterday so"
"Since when did GRIM become a Relationship Counselor? Must say, you gotta invite it to you and Tristan's Wedding or I'm not coming, " jested Jin, with a shit-eating smug on his face.
Dobby's face crimsoned as he quickly punched him his arm, "Fuck off"
Leaning back on the couch, Ashton cleared his throat, put his chin on his chest, and looked over his glasses frame at Dobby.
Dobby grimaced at him, "What?"
"You're forgetting that there's an adult upstairs"
Dobby stuck his tongue out at Ashton, "She didn't even hear me"
Ashton shrugged his shoulders slightly, "Just saying"
"So what did you guys plan to do at my place?" asked Jin, darting his pupils at them both.
"Weuh," Dobby looked at Ashton and quickly looked at Jin again, "We didn't plan anything? But Tristan 's co"
Ashton suddenly stomped on Dobby's left foot.
Quickly Dobby winced, tossed his head in Ashton's direction, and snarled in his face, "Whaddya do that for!?"
Ashton flinched, "Sorryit's just that y-you almost blew it."
"Ohh," Dobby's facial expression softened.
Jin leaned back; narrowing his eyes at them, and folding his arms, "Tristan's coming today, isn't he?"
They both looked at each other, in silence.
"Fuck!" blurted out Dobby, pulling on his golden, blonde hair.
"Watch your mouth, Dobby!" Ashton yelled.
They all then started to hear a vehicle that seemed to draw closer to the house. It's shrieking engine sounded, and they were all able to hear it clearly. It was clearer than crystals to them who came.
"Speak of the devil!" shouted Dobby, springing up from the chair, and hurrying to the exit.
Ashton ran outside as well. Whereas Jin took his time. He sat on his wheelchair, and rolled towards the door.
As soon as he went outside, he was able to see a volkswagen. It was in a glossy blue paint job, scratches were prevalent everywhere, and one of the tires wasn't befitting to the car model.
What caught Jin's attention the most were the engraved penises drawn all over the vehicle. Quickly, Jin covered his mouth, and widened his eyes.
Both Ashton and Dobby erupted into laughter, as the car door opened. A figure then stepped out of the car, and closed the door shut.
Jin's draw dropped as soon as he had drawn his eyes at the figure. The figure possessed normal human ears with an earring in one of them, marigold hair, and a chiseled facial structure.
He wore deeply tinted black shades, skinny well-seamed black jeans, a golden chain around his neck, resting upon white sweater.
Jin had no idea who it was, and if that person was Tristan, he wasn't buying it for anything. He still had a few pimples on his face, and he still wasn't tall either. But
'No way that's Tristan !'
Everyone immediately stopped laughing, and watched as he approached them. They were all simply at a loss for words.
"T-Tristan," stuttered Dobby, "Tristan, that you?" he asked, looking at him from head to toe.
Tristan stopped, folded his arms, and grinned, "Yeah, it's me. Didn't I tell y'all that I hit the gym recently?"
Jin raised a brow, "That's one damn sick workout you must be doingI want in"
He passed around, and gave them all a respectable fist bump.
Ashton chuckled, "What's with the dicks, Tris?"
"New look?" gagged Dobby, bursting out in laughter.
"Yeah, it's a trend these days. Everyone's drawing dicks on their cars"
They all laughed.
"Seriously though," said Jin, "Who did that to your car"
Tristan furrowed his brows, "Some dickhead goblin must've done it again"
Ashton then added, "Yeah, they really are getting out of hand," he fixed his glasses, "They've been running around the neighborhood burying houses with toilet paper like who knows what"
Dobby looked at Ashton, "Hey, they did that to my house recently! But I know they aren't coming back againbecause boy did my uncle show 'em!"
Jin turned to Tristan , "No matter how much you grow, it looks like you'll always be short"
"Hmm," uttered Tristan smirking, "Sounds kinda stupid to me coming from someone I've always had to look down at"
Jin looked at the wheelchair while sitting in it, "I'll get better someday"
Dobby looked at him, "But aren't you crippled?"
"Yeah butI've been training myself. I've made a lot of progress. I can move my legs a little now."
Dobby looked curiously at him, "Show us what you can do"
They were looking down at Jin.
Simply, he moved his leg slightly and looked back up at them again, "Nothing much butit's progress, I guess?"
Ashton put his hand on his mouth, "Ohhh my god! You actually moved it!!!"
"You'll be doing the Conga with me, Ashton and Tris soon at this rate!"
Jin smiled softly, "I told you"
Ashton scratched his head, "No way"
"Yes way"
'I can't show them that I can walk yet. But I willbecause I don't think I can hide it forever.'
"Soyou guys wanna play GRIM or something?" Asked Dobby, looking at them all, "Anyone?"
Tristan shook his head, "Sorry, bro. I don't play at this time. Then again, we're not home so we don't have our computers here"
"Also, Ashton doesn't play GRIM, and I wouldn't want to leave him out," added Jin.
"Thanks, Jin."
Tristan then removed his shades, and put it in his pocket. He raked his hair with his hand, and folded his arms again. Looking at his friends, he smiled and said, "I have something better to dosomething better than GRIM."
Jin grimaced at him, "Okay now I'm convinced that you're not Tristan"
"Yeah, the Tristan we know doesn't go two hours without GRIM"
"Guys, guys," he chimed in, gesturing with his hands, "I've changed up my life a bit. But I still play GRIM though"
"Of course you do!" shouted Dobby.
He smiled, "Soyou guys coming or not?"
"Where?" asked Jin.
"Yeah, Tris," uttered Dobby, "Where?"
Dobby put his hands on his waist and looked at Tristan.
"We're going somewhere," Tristan replied, approaching his car, "Just come, it's a surprise"
Jin heaved, "Better be worth it, because I've spent the entire day outside and it was horrible."
"Whatever shut-in-Mr-Jin-little-noob-at-grim. Noob. Noob," nagged Dobby, nudging Jin.
The Volkswagen's engine started with a roar. Tristan wined the glass down, and poked his head out of the window, "You guys coming, or what?"
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