Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 1063 Where Do You Stand

Chapter 1063  Where Do You Stand

However, the man stepped past Eletantron casually, as though he was walking through a field of flowers. He stopped before a pedestal, his eyes now fixed on the six glowing cores suspended in a containment field.

A glint passed through his eyes as he observed them.

"Despite how utterly useless your existence is…" he said, "…you've managed to prove useful after all. Six cores… beautiful."

Eletantron, still pressed to the ground, forced his voice out through clenched teeth.

"Please… don't take the cores," he growled. "I need them. I need to make that bastard pay… for everything he did to me."

The man didn't turn, but his smile widened.

"You ask for something…" he said, "then offer something in return. What are you willing to give?"

Eletantron's eyes widened. He knew where this was going. His fists dug into the ground as flashes of the humiliation Atticus had put him through crashed through his mind. That face. That gaze.

His heart turned colder.

"…I'll sign a mana contract," he said.

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