Chapter 574
Resume Sightseeing (3)
After separating from the adult group, Illuna and other little girls began to explore the interior of the cathedral.
An unfamiliar place. A complex, beautiful, and adventurous building.
The first thing Shii said when we entered was “Nee, nee, I want to listen to that pipe organ!”, so we listened to the music of the quartet.
(T/N: Quartet is an ensemble of four singers or instrumental performers.)
For a moment, the instrument performers looked surprised to see children of races they had never seen before, but they were professionals, too.
The quartet started to play music with more focus, and the children enjoyed their lighthearted playing style.
After listening to a couple of performances and clapping in satisfaction, we moved on to a full-scale exploration of the cathedral.
This cathedral had five floors in total.
The central hall was three stories high, but the top floor of the two towers on either side of the cathedral were 2 floors higher.Since there were no buildings of the same height in the surrounding area, the view from the top floor was good, making it one of the most popular places to visit.
“Haha, wow, this place is huge!” (Shii)
“Yeah, it makes me a little jealous of the Wraith Girls because they can fly away so easily in the air.” (Illuna)
“…If Illuna can reach that level, then I will be able to do it as well.” (Enne)
“I’m not really trying to attempt something and was just pointing out that there are things I’m pretty good at for someone my age, you know? The others with me are weird, you know? I understood this better when we started going to school.” (Illuna)
Eventually, the girls made it to the top and all stuck to one of the huge windows.
“Okay, we’re here! Hmmm! It’s a nice place!” (Shii)
“Is that the hotel we’re staying in? It’s beautiful even when you look at it like this, and that building is huge!” (Illuna)
“…Look at the airships. They’re flying overhead.” (Enne)
“There are so many things I’ve never seen in this country, it’s so interesting!” (Illuna)
“…Hmmm. I’ve been to many places with the Master and I think this one is a little bit different. The dwarven village was also making various things, but that place was just expanding existing technology. This place seems to be making new things.” (Enne)
“Heeh! Well, I don’t know much about it, but Shii wants to go to many places when she grows up!” (Shii)
“….Before that, I think Shii should learn about the origins of culture.” (Enne)
“Eh?” (Shii)
“Haha… I agree with you that it’s better to learn more things while enjoying the trip. What do you think, Rei, Rui and Ro?” (Illuna)
At Illuna’s question, first Rei gestured, “I like to travel, but I’m fine with just staying at home as well,” and then Rui gestured, “Our house is a dungeon! Home is best!” and then Ro gestured, “But if you three are going somewhere, I’ll follow you…”
“… I agree that the dungeon is the best. Our family is blessed. Even if we go somewhere far away, we have a Dungeon Return device, so if we want to go back, we can return instantly. That’s easy.” (Enne)
“And…. Thanks to the Teleportation Door that Onii-chan installed near the Sheep Horn clan’s village, we can go there every day. Moreover, our house is quite comfortable in terms of the environment… I don’t think I can spend my life anywhere else.” (Illuna)
“Well, Shii and the others would be scared to leave the dungeon for too long in the first place! Physically!” (Shii)
“Oh, I see. Are you feeling that on this trip?” (Illuna)
“No, it’s just a little bit of a weird feeling, right Rei, Rui, Ro?!” (Shii)
Responding to Shii, Rei gestured, “I will be fine,” Rui gestured, “Maybe for two weeks,” and Ro gestured, “I think I’ll be weak after a month or so away from the dungeon”.
“A month… That seems like a long time, but also so short. I’ll keep that in mind. If any of you feel any changes in your body, tell me, okay?” (Illuna)
“….Hmm. I will also feel safer if you tell me.” (Enne)
“Yes, okay!” (Shii)
After Shii’s words, the Wraith Girls also raised one hand as if to say that they understood.
–After the conversation had died down for a moment.
Looking at the scenery outside… Illuna spoke up.
“Hey, Shii, something happened to you earlier, right? You don’t have to… You don’t have to push yourself too hard.” (Illuna)
“…Push myself?” (Shii)
“If you’re having a hard time, you don’t have to force yourself to laugh, okay?” (Illuna)
“…” (Shii)
Illuna and the others noticed that Shii was still not in her best form and was acting extra cheerful so as not to worry everyone.
Normally, Shii was cheerful and a mood-maker.
That was why they could tell right away that Shii was feeling down, unlike usual, and that was something that Illuna and the others found odd, and had been concerned about for some time now.
Shii looked momentarily disappointed that they had found out how she was feeling.
She then kept opening and closing her mouth, as if she was at a loss for words…. In the end, she nodded her head.
“…Yeah, you know… I met an uncle who was a skeleton of a monster, and I got along with him well. But he’s gone now. I can’t see him anymore, and that makes me sad.” (Shii)
Suddenly, she remembered the incident at noon, making her heart ache again.
There was no way for her to get her mind straightened out so quickly.
“But you know… I’m thinking now that it’s okay. It is better to be sad than not to be sad. I’m going to remember this feeling forever. So, I’m okay! Sorry, everyone. I apologize for worrying you.” (Shii)
Those words, from the normally carefree Shii, conveyed deep emotion.
Illuna and the others understood the feelings contained in those words, and therefore, words did not come out immediately.
“…. Tell us all about that uncle of yours, Shii! We’ll also remember that uncle.” (Illuna)
“….Nnn, I’d like to hear about it.” (Enne)
After Enne’s words, the Wraith Girls also drifted close by, ready to listen.
“Nn… Thanks, guys! You know that uncle–” (Shii)
And so the girls shared many stories.
They laughed, they cried, they had fun, they got angry.
Unbeknownst to adults, children experienced many things, felt many things, and developed emotions.
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